Doggie Camp

Last update was in July? Wow, a lot has happened. Most recently, Scully has had some new friends over to play....for 4 weeks. I think she's ready to send them home since they are taking her Jessi away. Meet Bentley and Pepper. Tony's puggle puppies. They are so cute and still very much puppies.

Bentley is a good boy until he starts tearing through the house knocking everything down.

Pepper is kind of a trouble maker. She's sweet and likes to be cuddled but watch out! When she wants something Bentley or Scully has, she'll get it. We are trying to teach her rollover. She's halfway there.

She's camera shy.

There used to be a small bush there.

Look at what I did!
They will be leaving on Saturday to go back to their Dads whom by the way, they miss a lot! Pepper's having fun but Bentley is missing them and can't wait to go home.
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