
My little scully has pimples! Apparently caused by stress (being in the kennel with annoyingly loud dogs) and/or the chemicals used to clean out the kennels. The vet popped them. It was gross actually. So she's on allergy meds now. She's clearing up and her attitude is back to normal. Shredding things, getting on the coffee table and wanting to go outside every 2.5 minutes.
What she doesn't know is that we are kenneling her again this weekend. Since she's still on meds, it should help prevent them. Let's hope. Oh and I was a mean mom. I didn't give her anything from home last time. But this time I am. I realized how upset she got. So she's taking a blanket with her.

I look like the Texas Long Horn...just upside down...and black.

"My teef are white. Let me bite your fingers."
Update: Just left scully at the kennel. She seemed MUCH more excited about being there than the first time. AND I gave her a blanket. I hope she comes home all tired and non-barky again...minus pimples.
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